

This category contains 4 posts

16 Alasan Sex Bagus Untuk Kesehatan

Bercerita berbagai hal tentang seks memang tidak ada habisnya. Penelitian para ilmuwan menunjukkan sebuah fakta bahwa berhubungan seks sangat bermanfaat bagi kesehatan kita. Meskipun bermanfaat, tetap saja porsinya harus pas, jika terlalu banyak berhubungan seks bisa berbahaya bagi kesehatan. Baca lebih lanjut

Enjoy Your Lovely and Healthy Sex

Having lovely sex offers health benefits and more, oh yes it does! Sexual activity may help you live an extended, happier, life due to the health benefits. Sex does a body lovely in numerous ways as well as boosting the immune method and maintaining a healthy weight. Think it or not that is a surprise to lots of people. Sex adds to our life and enhances it not to mention our health, both physically and psychologically. Medical research suggests regular “rolls in the hay” can also ward off Baca lebih lanjut

How to Maintain Better Sex As You Age

According to a research done by Italian scientists, men with healthy sex lives appear to live longer, provided they stay faithful to their partners. A direct relation of fewer cardiovascular and vascular problems with improved sexual performance supports this study. More testosterone produced as result of increased sexual activity leads to less depression, a better cardiovascular performance, and improved metabolism. Experts suggest that men who are unfaithful in their relationship tend to suffer Baca lebih lanjut

Practicing Safe Sex – How to Keep a Healthy Sex Life

Unsafe sexual practises have caused a lot of complications in our societies and the effects have been on the increase in the past few years. Sexually transmitted infections have devastating effects including loss of fertility, getting HIV, Hepatitis infections, disfigured genitals, blindness and death. Baca lebih lanjut



SaranSaranSehat @ Yahoo!


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